Investing in a new security operations centre in South Wales is cyber firm Bridewell.

Bridewell, a growing provider of cyber security services, has invested in a new security operations centre (SOC) in South Wales.

The site of Bridewell's SOC in South Wales has not been made public for security reasons, however it is assumed to be in Cardiff.

The SOC is supporting 50 flexible working roles, which include some newly developed functions as well as the deployment of current Bridewell employees.

This is anticipated to increase to 80 by the following year, with a strong emphasis on Wales.

Additionally, it will help us progress in acquiring critical abilities across the offensive, defensive, and threat intelligence domains.

"Our seasoned personnel will help to mould the upcoming generation of young cyber talent as part of our commitment to fostering capabilities across wider cyber communities.

Our SOC will unite individuals and groups in a supportive environment where cyber skills can develop.