Apple Watch should have a sick day feature.
On my feeble wrist, the Apple Watch buzzed. I had to squint to see an exclamatory exhortation to rise.
I didn't experience any symptoms at the start of my minor virus infection. The exhaustion followed.
I reasoned that the Apple Watch would also allow me to take a break without detracting from my hard-earned momentum.
If you truly take the time to look for yourself, a COVID infection or any other ailment will end your streak.
Sick mode is not a novel concept; consumers have long pushed Apple to incorporate one.
Apple Watch competitor Fitbit also lacks a rest or sick-day option, though it does have a "daily readiness score"
Sleep is after all the "ultimate rest," the "base for anything else you wish to do," according to Kryder.
I wish my Apple Watch had made it easier for me to do that in the first place, or even encouraged me to do it.
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