How Benji Madden assisted in organising Cameron Diaz's star-studded 50th birthday celebration is revealed by the actress.
Benji Madden, the husband of Cameron Diaz, doesn't seem to be one to mess about when it comes to planning birthday celebrations.
In a clip from the episode of the Rachel Ray Show she will be appearing on on September 26,
The Bad Teacher actress explained how her 43-year-old husband, Madden, "loves a celebration" and worked to assist prepare her star-studded 50th birthday party, which took place last month.
The 50-year-old Diaz revealed, "And when we first met our first year together, he threw me three surprise birthday celebrations for one birthday," adding that she playfully asked Madden, "Would you please stop doing this?!"
He was extremely insistent that "We have to do something" this year because it was my 50th birthday, but I couldn't commit, she added.