Uber Eats and Nuro are making autonomous food deliveries in Texas and California
There will be an increase in the number of Uber Eats users receiving their orders from vehicles with no delivery workers present.
This is due to a 10-year agreement Uber and Nuro made to utilise Nuro's driverless, electric trucks to transport food in the US.
This fall, they'll launch their service in Houston, Texas, and Mountain View, California, with plans to eventually extend it to the larger Bay Area.
Customers won't be given a choice and won't even be aware when they make their purchase whether their order is being delivered by a Nuro bot
Additionally, it means that regardless of the delivery method, they will be charged the same rates.
Additionally, if clients decide to tip via the app and a Nuro car arrives in place of a human employee, they will receive a refund.
However, they must go outside to retrieve their order, which could be difficult if it is raining.
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